Celebrating the launching of my new website, new blog, and new business name. It's been a process to get to the point of turning an interest.. to a hobby... to a business. Although I started my business a couple of years ago, I am now at the point of getting serious about it. So, to move in that direction, I am starting with this new facelift....Windblown Art!
As I was thinking about wind I began to journal some of my thoughts. Wind (many times) brings change....change of temperature, topography or landscape, ushers in a change of seasons. Wind can be calm as a gentle refreshing breeze, or violent forceful storm. Wind has movement. It can help propel us forward, or if we go against it, it brings resistance. Seeds are scattered by wind. Trees and plants need strong root systems to handle strong wind currents.
I like this video that talks about letting "the WIND" blow in our life that the Lord might have His way in our life.
The scripture for my website is from Song of Solomon that says ""Awake, O north wind, And come, wind of the south; Make my garden breathe out fragrance, Let its spices be wafted abroad." Song of Solomon 4:16 My desire is that the Holy Spirit blow in my life and through my artwork, that others may experience the fragrance of Him in my life.
Maybe you have some thoughts on wind. I'd love to hear them.